Advanced Technologies, Expert Implementation
The global profile of electric power will shift dramatically over the next 25 years. Innovation is needed to balance changes in supply and demand within increasingly strict environmental parameters.
RXHK’s advanced power management solutions unlock new ways to overcome transmission challenges. We have a strong track record in breakthrough reactive power compensation technologies that deliver reliable performance. All of our solutions benefit from end-to-end engineering support.
Renewables’ rise to the mainstream energy sector will accelerate over the coming decades. This raises many questions surrounding grid efficiency and stability.
Overcoming technical challenges, from remoteness to intermittency, requires advanced technologies and dedicated power engineering expertise.
RXHK’s power management solutions are being commissioned for some of the world’s most complex renewable energy projects. With our experienced engineers and proven technologies, even the most extreme and challenging scenarios can be overcome.
Energy-intensive industries are under extreme pressure to comply with low carbon economy objectives. Saving energy also represents an essential financial goal for many.
RXHK has a longstanding heritage developing successful power management solutions for the metallurgy industry. Additional sectors that greatly benefit from our solutions and expertise include cement, chemicals, marine, mining and pulp & paper.