Advanced Technologies, Expert Implementation
In blustery 15-20 knot speeds, winning the practice and crossing the line in fourth place in the first of the days two races, team RXPE led the fleet around the first mark after a dominant start in the final race, battling its way around the course.
Sep. 21, 2014 - Renewable UK hosts the Annual Sailing regatta each year with Sun Sail at Port Solent in Hampshire Chartered There Were 20 boats for this Event, Attracting Key Figures from the Renewables Industry;. EDF, Eneco, ETA, PNE Wind 1 & 2, James Fisher 1 & 2, E & Y, ODE, GE 1 & 2, ABB 1 & 2, SIEMENS, A2SEA, PNE Wind, Helix, Renewables UK 1 & 2 and Haskonvig. skippered by Mason King, the eight man RXPE Crew compromising Three sailing Novices in George Huang, Andrew Smith and Steven Essel Experienced Crew Members together with Dr Graeme Bathurst as first mate, and Company customers' Dan Hannevig, Peter Harte and Paul Rae. Team Rongxin Power Engineering (RXPE) Their first regatta wrapped up with a victory in the Renewables UK sailing series in a sunny Port Solent. In blustery Knot SPEEDS 15-20, winning the Practice and Crossing the Line in Fourth place in the first days of the Two Races, Team RXPE led the Fleet Around the first after a dominant Mark Start in the Final race, battling its way around the course in the 20 yacht fleet securing the team's victory.
Team RXPE displayed excellent effort, a reflection of the companies effect in the Renewables market space as newcomers.
View the video captured on the day here.